Wednesday, November 30, 2011

HEAT PACKS REUSABLE PORTABLE TRIGGER RELEASE INSTANT HEAT PAIN RELIEF NO ELECTRICITY NEEDED Are you ready for fast and effective pain relief? Ready to try something different? We're not talking shake up chemical pouches that are not only dangerous but also disposable. We're not talking bean bags that you leave in the microwave for hours worrying about what temperature your heat will be. We're not talking your standard electric blankets that come with a warning two feet long. We're talking reusable effective heat. Our reusable heat packs are different, they consistently reach 130 degree Fahrenheit with each use. It kind of takes the guess work out, doesn't it? They are ready to go within seconds and also come in a variety of sizes. Our trigger technology makes it easy to activate instant heat where ever life takes you. We are talking serious convenience. Our ingredients are non-toxic, no worries or headaches about chemical burns. Our heat packs are great for on-the-go use. Our heat packs and cold packs can be used for a lifetime. We know it does not get any better than that, that is what makes us so different. So, ready to change your routine? Bring on the heat! Great to take hunting, camping, skiing, fishing, sports / athletic games and events. They make great gifts for your athletes, hunters, skiers, teachers, co-workers, family, massage therapists and on and on. Great for your pets - we've had 1000's of people purchase these as bed warmers for their pets. MADE IN THE USA

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tomato Plant Care

!±8± Tomato Plant Care

The tomato is one of the most popular plants kept in home gardens. They are easy to grow and provide food for your family. Tomatoes do need to be cared for to grow though.

The tomato is actually a fruit even though most people think of it as a vegetable. At one time, people thought it was poisonous to eat and they were only grown for decoration. They were referred to as "love apples" then. There are literally hundreds of varieties to choose from for your home garden and all of them have different size, color, shape, season of maturity, disease resistance and taste. Choose a variety that you will enjoy having!

Tomatoes can be either determinate or indeterminate. Determinate means that they develop a flower cluster at the terminal growing point. The plant will stop growing at this height. Indeterminate plants do not form this flower cluster and will continue to grow taller indefinitely. Indeterminate tomatoes also produce very flavorful fruit, but are usually late to mature. Most of the older varieties of tomatoes are indeterminate. Determinate vines are easier to control but they also have ripe fruit for a shorter time period than indeterminate plants.

Tomatoes do not tolerate freezing temperatures, so it is best to plant them once the weather is warm. For adequate harvest room, you will need to space your plants apart. The spacing for each variety is different, however. For dwarf plants, they will need to be twelve inches apart in the row. Staked plants will need to be 15 to 24 inches apart. Some indeterminate varieties even need four feet of space between them in the rows and five to six feet in between rows.

When you plant your tomato plants, you should fertilize them right away. You can also cultivate shallowly or hoe to keep the weeds down without doing damage to the roots. Mulching is highly recommended, especially if you want to have your plant for the full season harvest. Organic materials or black plastic is okay to use for mulching. However, don't put down organic materials until the soil has warmed up all the way. If you put it down too early, the plant will not grow very well.

You will need to water your tomato plants regularly and thoroughly. If you are keeping your plants in containers they may need to be watered every day or even more. You will also need to feed your plants with a liquid tomato fertilizer once every two to three weeks until the end of August. The fertilizer should be high in potash. Once September arrives, just feed it with a regular fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. Weed around the plants as much as you can to prevent bugs and diseases from getting to your tomatoes. As the plant grows, you will also need to use stakes to support it. Tie the main stem to the stakes.

If you give this plant the care it needs, you will be rewarded with delicious tomatoes. Tomatoes are the best after they have just ripened so for the best taste eat them as soon as they are ripe. This is a great plant to keep at your home!

Tomato Plant Care

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Find a Great Dog House Heater

!±8± How to Find a Great Dog House Heater

Do you live in a part of the world where the winter months can be extremely cold? Do you own a dog that spends a great deal of their time outdoors? If you do then it is a good idea to install a good quality dog house heater in their kennel for them.

Certainly for regions of the world where the winters can be extremely cold then a dog's own heat won't provide them with enough to keep them sufficiently warm when laid in the dog house. By installing a dog house heater you are providing them with additional warmth that will ensure that they are less likely to suffer from illnesses in the future.

When it comes to providing additional warmth for your dog's outdoor home there are several different types of heaters now available. The one that most owners will invest money in is a heater box. These are the cheapest forms of heating systems to use in a kennels and are simply a metal box inside which has either a ceramic emitter or light bulb inside. Once you provide the box with power they then emit heat in the same way as the systems in egg incubators do. It is important that you place this above your dog so that they are unable to come into contact with the metal which when heated up could actually burn them should it come in contact with them.

If you have a dog who prefers to sleep in the dark then avoid purchasing a dog house heater that is fitted with an electric bulb. Instead go for those models that come with a ceramic emitter which looks very similar to a flattened light bulb and the face of which is ridged. As well as these types not giving off any kind of light when turned on they seem to have a considerably longer life span than those that use a traditional light bulb in them.

Generally when it comes to the price of these heaters for your dog house they can vary in price quite dramatically. It is all dependent on what is used to emit the heat and how large it is for the dog house in which it is to be placed. Certainly when it comes to those with a light bulb in them you can expect to pay between and for one of these kinds of dog house heaters. However, if you choose to go for a dog house heater that is fitted with a ceramic emitter then you won't get much change if any from a 0.

How to Find a Great Dog House Heater

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Unnatural Influence of Man on the Ice Age Cycle

!±8± The Unnatural Influence of Man on the Ice Age Cycle

The term 'Ice Age Cycle Hypothesis' make it sound like a natural process of geological events. But man has accelerated the beginning of the next cycle. If we continue at our current rate of carbon emissions, we will accelerate the now unnatural-natural warming trend even further. The average earth temperature will rise more quickly, the Arctic tundra permafrost will melt and huge amounts of Methane will be released into the atmosphere. As warming accelerates, the Arctic Ice Pack will disappear completely and the Arctic Ocean will be an open body of water year round. Since the ice will not be present to reflect the sunlight, the water will warm even more. Hence the Arctic Ocean will soon become a large source of moisture year round, creating ideal conditions for huge increases in snowfall in the northern latitudes.

As the snow accumulates, the glaciers will reverse their trend to melt away and will begin to advance. Eventually, the glaciers will meld into an ice sheet and the ice sheet will continue to thicken and advance just as it did during the last cycle. As the ice sheet thickens to 4000 or 5000 feet, the level of the moisture source will drop since an enormous amount of water has been transferred to the ice. The lower ocean levels will cause natural barriers such as the shallow North Bering Sea and North Atlantic to cut back the warming currents from the south, eventually turning them away. The Arctic Ocean will cool and once again freeze completely over. The source of moisture for the great ice sheet to the south will be blocked! About 20,000 years from now, the Ice sheet will retreat again and the 'Ice Age' will end as the cycles continue.

Cycle implies repetition. These cycles probably have been occurring for as long as several hundred thousand years. Possibly for as long as the continents have assumed their present configuration (due to continental drift) forming that beautiful 'bowl' of water at the North Pole. So perhaps rising sea level is eventually unavoidable. But we have messed with 'Mother Nature' and have accelerated the coming of the next cycle. We may have given ourselves too short a time to deal with the decreasing available arable and livable land surfaces, the increasing population, and the demand of developing countries for 'conspicuous consumption' and materialistic equality. Former Vice President Gore has pointed out in his work that the "Inconvenient Truth" of the matter is that we will experience in very near future a very significant rise in sea level. The 'Island Nations' who spoke out so eloquently in Copenhagen, will disappear.

A short time ago geologically speaking, about 12000 to 15000 years, the great ice sheets receded from Europe, Asia, and North America. Imagine yourself standing about 12000 years ago, on a ten foot high dune with that perfect storm beach shape (similar to those you have seen on Long Island, Long Beach Island, Rehobeth, or the Outer Banks). You are located just east of the Hudson River south of the current location of Albany and well up on the plateau above the river and adjacent to the foothills of the Taconic Mountains just to the east. A northwesterly wind is causing waves, forming down the long fetch of Lake Albany, to wash sand up on the storm beach where you stand. Your view to the north is blocked by a wall of ice rising several thousand feet above the lake. The ice wall stretches to the west as far as you can see. Looking south westerly you note the waves eroding the Roundout Waterlime bed well up on what is now called the Helderberg Escarpment. If you could watch for another 500 to 1000 years, you would see the ice wall retreat to the north, and as its massive weight is removed from the northern edge of Lake Albany, the earth's crust slowly rebounds, spilling the water from the lake in a slow, hardly noticeable process. Coming back to present times, geologists have measured the altitude of the storm beach over a north-south line reaching from the Greenbush area south of Troy to the region north and east of Saratoga. They found the level of the storm beach to rise about one foot per mile, higher to the north, lower in the south. This is strong evidence for the existence of the lake and for the depression of the crust due to the weight of the ice sheet.

Currently, the ice continues to recede. Glaciers, the last remnants of the great ice sheet, are melting back at accelerating rates in the Alps, in our Northwest, and in Alaska. In Denali Park, whole valleys have opened up in just the last ten years. Geologists studying the glaciers in Glacier National Park have concluded that the current age of glaciation began about 20,000 years ago and is now ending. Ski resorts in the Alps fear that they will soon lose their excellent glacier skiing. Nothing else remains from that recent great ice sheet. Or, is the Arctic Ice Pack the last remnant? Actually, no! The geological evidence is strong that the Arctic Ocean was an open body of water during the recent advance and retreat of the ice sheet! Sounds contradictory does it not? But, lets look at some more evidence...

The Arctic ocean is warming. The NW passage is open for longer periods during the short Arctic summer, the Arctic ice pack is thinning having been measured extensively. The passage of submarines under the ice and their ability to break up through the ice in the vicinity of the Pole attests to the thin ice. Fl aura and fauna are changing measurably. Polar bears are declining in weight and number, and their main source of food, seals, are also declining in number. The permafrost is beginning to melt. At the other pole, the Antarctic continental ice shelves are detaching and melting. The resulting rise in sea level will enhance circulation of warm currents such as the Japanese Current and Gulf current, bringing warmer water into the Arctic ocean. In the not too far distant future the Arctic Ocean will become an open body of water year round, just as it was about 20,000 years ago!

This coming summer we plan to visit the Lake Albany Storm Beach with our children and grandchildren. Perhaps we can get them to envision the marvelous mechanisms which regulate the ice age cycles. Perhaps they will devise the technology to return those geologic processes to their 'normal' condition. Meanwhile we live near the shore in North Carolina and our elevation above sea level is Eleven feet. What's yours?

The Unnatural Influence of Man on the Ice Age Cycle

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Save on Winter Electric Bills These Ten Ways

!±8± Save on Winter Electric Bills These Ten Ways

1. Insulate around windows as this is where a lot of cold air get in and warm out.

2. Wear warm clothes inside and turn down the thermostat to save on energy

3. Electrical plug ins and switches are an often over looked energy loss from cold air

Hardware stores sell insulators for wall switches and plug ins just for this reason.

4. Many appliances use electric even when they are off as they have lights that still run. Unplug them or put a surge protector with an on/off switch to turn them off when not in use.

5. Change as many bulbs to energy savers as possible 25 watts run a100-watt equivalent in light out put.

6. Insulate hot water tanks, as this is a big energy user that turns off and on constantly. Make sure to get electrical or gas hot water insulation blanket, as they are different because of the ventilation of gas appliances.

7. An automatic thermostat saves as you can set it to lower temperatures at night and when you are not home and will rise to the set temperature before you get home so the house is nice and warm.

8. Buy flannel bed sheets as they keep you warmer and when you turn down thermostat at night you stay warm like in the old days. Use plenty of extra covers on really cold nights.

9. Clean the coils on your refrigerator as it helps it to run cooler and to last longer and use less electricity. Be sure to unplug the appliance and be careful not to damage any coils. I usually use a duster and vacuum.

10. If you have people in your house that are always forgetting to turn lights off you can install sensors that turn on lights when you enter a room and turn them off if you are out of the room for a certain amount of time. Try one first to see if you like them. It sometimes takes awhile to get use to.

Most of these things you can do yourself but anything you feel unsafe or uncomfortable doing hire a professional.

Save on Winter Electric Bills These Ten Ways

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